Welcome to PoE-Snipe
Your ultimate tool to analyze Path of Exile builds.
Track the character progression of the pros step by step. Find out when to upgrade defences and when to swap skills for maximum efficiency.

Granular Progress Tracking
Snapshots are created every few minutes. Track every step of the way and see how the pros do it.
Intuitive UI
Control the time machine with an intuitive slider. Go back in time and see how the character has evolved.
Comprehensive Analytics
Every snapshot is loaded into Path of Building to extract valuable information. See how the pros stack their defensive layers over time.
Planned Features
Path of Building export
Export any build at any level into Path of Building to be able to change settings and further analyze the build.
Track your own character
Log in and track your own character. Let PoE-Snipe track your account to revisit and share your character progress.
Better DPS Comparison
Better skill detection and research will further improve the data extracted from Path of building.
Got Feedback?
Stay up to date, suggest new features and report bugs.
Tell us what you like and what you would like to see improved.
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See it in Action
Experience the power of PoE-Snipe and start by looking at Bens character from Zizarans Class Gauntlet. See how it works and how it can help you get a better understanding of Path of Exile.